Ask 5 different people what poetry is and you'll most likely get 5 different fragmented answers all subjective in tone. What they won't tell you however, is that there is a dictionary definition of poetry nowadays, and it speaks of rhythm not prose. Most writers that dabble in poetry do not care to learn the traditional aspects of poetry as they see their partaking in poetry as a hobby and not any serious career aspiration.
In a nearly universal opinion, poetry is viewed as the 'poor man's art' as it rarely sells well, often is overlooked, and offers few gems when culled at the surface level of what is deemed popular. Ask any Rupi Kaur fan to name a worthwhile philosophical argument posed by their favorite poet and they are more likely to conjure up subjective arguments pertaining to Kaur's overall viewpoint and not a specific argument furthered by her personally. The "poets" of today (and I use that term loosely) are more interested in making easy money by milking an easily-duped populace into thinking aphorisms are poetry, than they are to spur actual social change like poets of yesteryear used to attempt.
Somewhere down the line poetry lost its luster and replaced it with a wonderment with magic that isn't there. People are more likely to buy something mediocre that speaks to their intellect than they are to reject previously established notions and rise above their own level to one they had never achieved. Around the world, people are all the same.
I constantly rally against what is deemed "Instapoetry" but is instead aphorisms masquerading as a short piece of poetic diction for people too naïve to know the difference. I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with writers finding their voices and feet by dabbling in shorter poems to help themselves improve, hell, some poets actively excel more at short form than longer poems (and let's be honest, who in the fuck is going to want to read an epic poem in today's fast-paced, globalized world?).
As for any reader of this blog, thanks for lending your time! I will soon be posting some interviews, factoid blogs, and much more! My newest book (Searching -4- Soapboxes) is coming out very soon and every subscriber to this Wix blog will also be listed to receive a FREE paperback copy of this new rhyme book from yours truly. Come and enjoy the best of the best, and that real poetry that you will rarely find getting proper treatment outside of its core supporters. So, thank YOU for riding with me and reading with me!