Do you ever wish you could help the world around you with your words? Do you ever aspire to do more with your written work than simply let it decay on a shelf? Well, look no further than the Temple of Indomitable Poetry this year of 2020 as I spearhead a campaign for pollinating insects and distributing poetry and art to those that deserve it most.
This year I am offering Special Seed Packets for sale directly via PayPal that will come with red sunflower seeds, Ms. Mars pink sunflower seeds, as well as a few other rarities to help get you growing! I specifically am offering sunflowers for a couple reasons: First and foremost, sunflowers have the unique ability to clear radiation from the ground soil its roots are planted in. This gives sunflowers a unique position as a plant, and also as a symbol of peace (as many sunflowers have been planted in Japan to signify the healing after the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki).
I personally believe more people around the world should invest themselves in growing for a better future, and what better way than to start small and in sustainable ways that not only help you, but also the insects that pollinate all our foods. The current climate crisis is exasperated by intense mass production of factory farming that has harmed everything from salmon in Alaska, to waterfowl in Asia. No longer is the world content to forage, but now we must survive in different ways. Ways which guarantee shorter lifespans for us and our children as we fight tooth and nail every voting election for better wages, better tax breaks, but never better food or water.
The protestors at Standing Rock here in the US were labeled as terrorists as they fought back against the encroachment of their lands by the federal government to build a corporate pipeline that benefitted very few outside of the executives that lobbied for and authorized its development. The Natives warned that the pipeline would burst - and it did. From that disaster to Flint, Michigan where the pipes were so corroded with lead that it led to a health epidemic - it seems like no matter how far we come as a civilized country (or world), we can't help but shoot ourselves in the foot.
Most of the world's wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals as they prep to colonize Mars and take to the stars while the rest of the world burns and suffers at the hands of tyrannical leadership and shadow societies. No longer must you stay silent as they prey on the weak. Now is the time to stand up and take a stand against the evil happening before our eyes. One way I intend to fight back against this monstrosity of a calamity-waiting-to-happen is to distribute literature with every seed packet I sell, to ensure a literature and informed fan base capable of making its own decisions on much more than just buying a book of rhymes.
Come join me on Instagram (@bigsalpoetry, @bigsalseeds, and @templeofpoetry) as we fight to take the world by storm in unassuming ways that benefit mankind and all the living beings that call it home. My entire strategy from day one has been to intertwine poetry with conservation in ways that can be replicated and become successful to all that partake in it. Poetry after all, is about the community more than the individual, for isn't why we write is to be heard? Everyone can succeed if we help each other, but it will take more than a day of commitment and a week of procrastination on ALL our parts. I can change the face of the poetry industry forever - I know this for a certainty, but I need YOUR help to do it. Will you lend me your talents?