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New Book for Charity/Conservation Coming Soon!

As some of you who follow me on Instagram may have seen, I am coming out with a new book (aiming for July 14th, but again, we’ll see) solely to be sold in the benefit of various NGOs and conservancies that are all working to fight against extinction. One of the other special things about this book is the fact that this will be my first official ‘Cinerime’ production ever! For those of you unfamiliar with the concept, ‘Cinerime’ is a brand-new type of poetry I have recently created and the name itself is a portmanteau of ‘cinema + holorime’. When taken together, the two concepts meld together to create something super special in literature.

I have always been a huge fan of classic films and the like, and I knew I really had to push the bar this time to create something worthwhile. In my quest to get out and do more to fight extinction, I knew I had to get some help to those that truly need it. Although I have found that books for charity usually do worse in sales in comparison to my other titles, it is still imperative that I continue to push the bar where it is needed.

This book combines a masterful mixture of script writing and holorime to produce an effect never-before-seen type of poetry that transcends the two creations into something more than either of them can fully achieve on their own. Each poem acts as a separate ‘scene’ within the Cinerime, and just like in script writing where each page of script more or less equals about a minute of screen time – the same concept can be applied here! So, for a book with 45 poems, it would be an equivalent to a 45-minute film short.

Each Cinerime can also be seen as a combination of film script, holorime poetry, and a play of sorts, as each book can actually even be adapted to the stage if anyone ever had an interest to do so. Each Cinerime I have written plots for so far have all been inspired by the cheesy look of the 1940s – 1960s of American cinema that has seared its image in the psyche of popular culture forever. I like to focus on 3 major elements for the Cinerime I have done so far:

1. Consistent Story

a. A good consistent story doesn’t want for anything and in fact it persists in many mindscapes long after a book is finished simply due to the fact that a reader has either related to or felt something evoked from such a story being told. You can’t beat a good story! And even when all else fails, Cinerime allows the flexibility for me to create horror, erotica, comedy, tragedy, drama, and so much more. If you’ve seen it in movie form, then you can see it in Cinerime form!

2. Dark Humor

a. Even if a Cinerime plot doesn’t explicitly lend itself to being a comedy, many humorous points can be interjected in such a plot if done correctly. The proper dose of laughs can mean the difference between a story so glum someone doesn’t want to read it again, and a story so powerful that it begs to be read again.

3. Horror Elements

a. Again, just based off personal preferences, I love imbuing my Cinerimes with either full-on horror stories or with horror elements. The short and succinct format allows for the story to unfold in suspenseful ways while still retaining the rhythm, story, and other elements that make this type of style worthwhile.


BIG SAL PRESENTS – “Sockhead: A Cinerime Short”

A man out of time and road to run is chased and shot in a lake by the cops after a heist gone wrong, and right before death, the man’s (by means unknown for now) blood turns to sand in the water. Sockhead then emerges as more monster than man and becomes more determined and resolute to leave his old life behind while escaping the former fed hunting him. Throughout all the chaos of this supernatural crime thriller of sorts, Sockhead decides to put his demons to rest once and for all while also helping to rescue the one person that helped him.

A host of characters is introduced in this book, and the story is told from a wide variety of perspectives (all in holorime) as the tale unfolds through all 45 poems of the book. The first of many Cinerimes and the possible first of a series of Sockhead!

Tune in for more details coming soon, but for now, I will be shooting for a July 14th, 2021 release date. Thank you for taking the time!

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